1:1 Device Insurance

1:1 Device Insurance
Item 1#:
Our Price: $25.00


ISD 695 1:1 Device Insurance


Insurance is valid for 1 year and must be purchased by Nov. 15th for the current school year.


  • Student must notify the building principal or associate principal immediately if device is damaged, lost, or stolen. Or, if notifying a teacher, ask that the teacher notify the principal immediately.
  • Voluntary insurance covers accidental damage to the device; each device component will be replaced one time (e.g. cracked screen, audio port damaged, etc.). Subsequent breakage of the same item is the responsibility of the Parent/Guardian. Repairs/loss due to negligence are not covered by insurance. The following are only examples of accidental or negligent damage.
  • Accidental damage includes walking down the hall with the device in the student’s arms and someone bumps into the student and the device is dropped; student has device in backpack and someone grabs the backpack and tosses it down the hall.
  • Negligent damage includes liquid in device of any amount; Devices in backpacks or cases that are thrown down or sat on by the student; Devices on the floor in traffic areas resulting in being stepped on by student or others; Devices left unsecured in areas such as lockers or cars.
  • Cases, power brick, or power cords are not covered by voluntary self-insurance. Student/parent/guardian must purchase exact brand power cords or power bricks from the school office or from the device manufacturer. Other brands may not be the correct wattage or manufactured properly to support the district supplied devices voiding the voluntary self-insurance and will be considered ‘missing’ at hand-in.
  • Failure to return any device upon leaving the district or when requested will be considered theft of public property.

1:1 Device Insurance
SKU:  11DI20202021
Price: $25.00
Julies Dance (2nd student)
SKU:  CE00010
Price: $23.00
Julie's Dance (First student)
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Price: $28.00